导言 直面内战
[1] John Lewis Gaddis, “The Long Peace: Elements of Security in the Postwar International System,” in Long Peace ,214—45; Mueller, Retreat from Doomsday; Mandelbaum, Dawn of Peace in Europe; Howard, The Invention of Peace and the Reinvention of War; Sheehan, Where Have All the Soldiers Gone?
[2] Melander, Pettersson, and Themnér, Organized Violence, 1989—2015;Ptt d Wllt eerssonanaenseen,“Armed Conflicts 1946—2014,.”
[3] Braumoeller, “Is War Disappearing?”; Newman, “Conflict Research and the‘Decline’ of Civil War”; Sarkees, “Patterns of Civil Wars in the Twentieth Century.”
[4] Ghervas, “La paix par le droit, ciment de la civilisation en Europe?”
[5] Immanuel Kant, “Toward Perpetual Peace” (1795), in Practical Philosophy,trans. Gregor, 317, 351.
[6] Goldstein, Winning the War on War; Pinker, Better Angels of Our Nature.
[7] hironaka, Neverending Wars, 4–5; Paul Collier, Lisa Chauvet, and Håvard Hagre,“The Security Challenge in Conflict-Prone Countries,” in Global Crises, Global Solutions, ed. Lomborg, 72, 99 (quoted); Skaperdas et al., Costs of Violence;World Bank, World Development Report 2011; Dunne, “Armed Conflicts”;Hoeffler, “Alternative Perspective.”
[8] Collier, Wars, Guns, and Votes, 139 (quoted); Collier, Hoeffler, and Söderbom,“On the Duration of Civil War”; Fearon, “Why Do Some Civil Wars Last So Much Longer Than Others?”; Walter, “Does Conflict Beget Conflict?”;Hironaka, Neverending Wars, 1, 50; World Bank, World Development Report 2011, 57.
[9] Collier, Bottom Billion; Rice, Graff, and Lewis, Poverty and Civil War.
[10] Mission statement, Centre for the Study of Civil War, Peace Research Institute Oslo, http://www.prio.org/Programmes /Extensions/Centre-for-the-Study-of Civil-War/About/.
[11] Enzensberger, Civil War, 12.
[12] Agamben, Stasis, trans. Heron, 2. Compare Grangé, Oublier la guerre civile?, 7:“il est vrai que la guerre civile est occultée par les traités politiques”; Kissane,Nations Torn Asunder, 3: “There has been, in the history of political thought, no systematic treatise on civil war.”
[13] Mason, “Evolution of Theory on Civil War and Revolution,” 63– 66.
[14] Melander, Petersson, and Wallensteen, “Organized Violence, 1989—2015,” 730;Gleditsch, “Transnational Dimensions of Civil War”; Checkel, Transnational Dynamics of Civil War.
[15] Mayer, Furies, 323 (“If war is hell, then civil war belongs to hell’s deepest and most infernal regions”); Kalyvas, Logic of Violence in Civil War, 52–53.
[16] Lucan, Bellum civile (1.31–32), in Lucan, Civil War, trans. Braund, 3– 4; Michel de Montaigne, “Of Bad Meanes Emploied to a Good End” (Essais, 2.23), in Essays Written in French by Michael Lord of Montaigne, trans. Florio, 384;Frank Aiken, Aug. 3, 1922, quoted in Hopkinson, Green Against Green, 273.
[17] Eliot, Milton, 3.
[18] De Gaulle, quoted in Marañon Moya, “El general De Gaulle, en Toledo” (“Todas las guerras son malas … Pero las guerras civiles, en las que en ambas trincheras hay hermanos, son imperdonables, porque la paz no nace cuando la guerra termina”).
[19] Enzensberger, Civil War, trans. Spence and Chalmers, 11.
[20] Girard, Violence and the Sacred; Giraldo Ramírez, El rastro de Caín; Jacoby,Bloodlust; Esposito, Terms of the Political, 123–34. As Bill Kissane notes, the term for civil war in modern Hebrew approximates to “war between brothers.”Kissane, Nations Torn Asunder, 7.
[21] Osgood, Caesar’s Legacy, 3, citing Brunt, Italian Manpower, 225 b.c.—a.d. 14,509 –12.
[22] Braddick, God’s Fury, England’s Fire, xii.
[23] Faust,“Numbers on Top of Numbers,”997; Faust, This Republic of Suffering,xi. Neely, Civil War and the Limits of Destruction, 208–16. 此篇文章批判了这个数据,但是Hacker在其文章“Census-Based Count of the Civil War Dead”中将死亡数据修改成620 000—750 000,较有说服力。
[24] Kloppenberg, Toward Democracy, 21– 60.
[25] Clarendon, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641.
[26] Schmitt, Ex Captivitate Salus, 56 (“Der Bürgerkrieg hat etwas besonders Grausames. Er ist ein Bruderkrieg, weil er innerhalb einer gemeinsamen…politischen Einheit … geführt wird, und weil beide kämpfenden Seiten diese gemeinsame Einheit gleichzeitig absolut behaupten und absolut verneinen”).
[27] U.S. Department of War, War of the Rebellion.
[28] Gingrich, quoted in Stauffer, “Civility, Civil Society, and Civil Wars,” 88.
[29] “Pour Valls, le FN peut conduire à la‘ guerre civile,’” Le Monde, Dec. 11, 2015: “Il y a deux options pour notre pays. Il y a une option qui est celle de l’extrême droite qui, au fond, prône la pision. Cette pision peut conduire à la guerre civile et il y a une autre vision qui est celle de la République et des valeurs, qui est le rassemblement.”
[30] Brass, Theft of an Idol, 3–20; Kalyvas, “Ontology of ‘Political Violence’”;Kalyvas, “Promises and Pitfalls of an Emerging Research Program”; Kissane and Sitter, “Ideas in Conflict.”
[31] Kaldor, New and Old Wars; Kalyvas, “‘New’ and ‘Old’ Civil Wars”;Münkler, New Wars.
[32] Geuss, “Nietzsche and Genealogy”; Bevir, “What Is Genealogy?”
[33] Skinner, “Genealogy of the Modern State,” 325.
[34] Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality, 51.
[35] Ibid., 53 (my emphasis).
[36] Gallie, “Essentially Contested Concepts”; Collier, Hidalgo, and Maciuceanu,“Essentially Contested Concepts.”
[37] Gallie, preface to Philosophy and the Historical Understanding, 8–9.
[38] Kalyvas, “Civil Wars,” 417.
[39] For helpful overviews, see Sambanis, “Review of Recent Advances and Future Directions in the Literature on Civil War”; Collier and Sambanis,Understanding Civil War; Blattman and Miguel, “Civil War.”
[40] Uppsala Conflict Data Program (1948—present), http://www.pcr.uu.se/research/UCDP/.
[41] The Correlates of War Project, http://www.correlatesofwar.org/; Small and Singer, Resort to Arms; Gleditsch, “Revised List of Wars Between and Within Independent States, 1816—2002”; Sarkees and Wayman, Resort to War; Reiter,Stam, and Horowitz, “Revised Look at Interstate Wars, 1816—2007.”
[42] Dixon, “What Causes Civil Wars?,” 730; Lounsberry and Pearson, Civil Wars,viii; Newman, Understanding Civil Wars.
[43] Though for a recent exception, spanning the centuries from ancient Rome to Afghanistan, see Armitage et al., “AHR Roundtable: Ending Civil Wars.”
[44] Guldi and Armitage, History Manifesto; Armitage et al., “La longue durée en débat.”
[45] Armitage, “What’s the Big Idea?”; Mc Mahon, “Return of the History of Ideas?”; Mc Mahon, Divine Fury, xiii.
[46] Mc Mahon, Happiness; Mc Mahon, Divine Fury; Forst, Toleration in Conflict; Rosenfeld, Common Sense; Fitzmaurice, Sovereignty, Property, and Empire,1500—2000; Kloppenberg, Toward Democracy.